
Ago - Set 22 | Acidum Project

This artistic residency happened between Ceará, Brazil and Lisbon Portugal. This production belongs to their first “Abstratos” series and integrates the exhibition “Braided Matrices”.

curatorial text fragment:

“Universal culture blooms in a Northeastern backyard.

Fortaleza. Ceará. Terezadequinta and Robezio form Acidum.

Acidum is a universe in expansion for 16 years.

A universe that runs in a particular time - in the future of the Brazilian Northeastern tradition. A future that mirrors the richness of the past and reasserts the resilience and transformative potential of its symbols.

The expansion of Acidum arises from the beauty of the mixture. Experiences gained in street art invade the studio to turn it into a laboratory, finding alchemy at the crossroads with research on different schools and mythologies.

Hybrid seeds of a universal crop planted in the most fertile soil.

The ground where Tereza and Robezio came from. A ground that irrigates with the sweat of practice to reap a sky of possibilities.

The land in which Minotaur abandons his labyrinth to go jumping at the Boi-Bumbá.

'Abstratos' is a dip in the density of this cosmic broth. An expansion that takes place into the being of experiences and memories. In 'Abstratos', Terezadequinta and Robezio seek the matrices of the weft, the lead wires that intertwine their individualities to form the essence of Acidum.

Colours negotiate drastic palettes, forms nestle and patterns are sewn into a catharsis of the mix. From the challenge of harmony the flower of exuberance springs, an invitation to free narrative and self-contemplation.” written by Hugo Inglez

Esta residência artística aconteceu entre o Ceará, Brasil e Lisboa Portugal. Esta produção pertence à sua primeira série “Abstratos” e integra a exposição “Matrizes em Trama”.

Fragmento Texto Curatorial:

“Em quintal nordestino floresce cultura universal.

Fortaleza. Ceará. Terezadequinta e Robezio formam o Acidum.

O Acidum é um universo há 16 anos em expansão.

Um universo que corre em tempo particular - no futuro da tradição nordestina brasileira. Um futuro que espelha a riqueza do passado e reafirma a resiliência e potencial transformativo de seus símbolos.

A expansão do Acidum se dá pelos encantos da mistura. Experiências de mundo conquistadas na arte de rua invadem o ateliê para transformá-lo em laboratório, encontrando alquimia no cruzamento com pesquisas sobre diferentes escolas e mitologias.

Sementes híbridas de uma cultura universal plantadas no solo mais fértil.

O chão de onde Tereza e Robezio vieram. Um chão que se irriga com o suor da prática para colher um céu de possibilidades.

A terra em que Minotauro abandona seu labirinto para ir pular o Boi-Bumbá.

'Abstratos' é um mergulho na densidade deste caldo cósmico. Uma expansão que ocorre para o interior do ser de experiências e memórias. Em 'Abstratos', Terezadequinta e Robezio buscam as matrizes da trama, os fio-condutores que se entrelaçam de suas individualidades para formar essência do Acidum.” - texto Hugo Inglez

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David Shillinglaw

Robézio e Tereza Dequinta | image: Felipe Cantieri


Acidum Project landed at Eritage to conclude a 3 months artistic residency that started in Ceará, Brazil - a research along the northeast cost. The Exhibition “Matrizes em Trama” or “Braided Matrices” is the result of this investigation.

Universal culture blooms in a Northeastern backyard.

Fortaleza. Ceará. Terezadequinta and Robezio form Acidum.

Acidum is a universe in expansion for 16 years.

A universe that runs in a particular time - in the future of the Brazilian Northeastern tradition. A future that mirrors the richness of the past and reasserts the resilience and transformative potential of its symbols.

The expansion of Acidum arises from the beauty of the mixture. Experiences gained in street art invade the studio to turn it into a laboratory, finding alchemy at the crossroads with research on different schools and mythologies.

Hybrid seeds of a universal crop planted in the most fertile soil.

The ground where Tereza and Robezio came from. A ground that irrigates with the sweat of practice to reap a sky of possibilities.

The land in which Minotaur abandons his labyrinth to go jumping at the Boi-Bumbá.

'Abstratos' is a dip in the density of this cosmic broth. An expansion that takes place into the being of experiences and memories. In 'Abstratos', Terezadequinta and Robezio seek the matrices of the weft, the lead wires that intertwine their individualities to form the essence of Acidum. 
Colours negotiate drastic palettes, forms nestle and patterns are sewn into a catharsis of the mix. From the challenge of harmony the flower of exuberance springs, an invitation to free narrative and self-contemplation.

You can visit the exhibition and see the artworks developed here.